Lupin balls with a slice of apple and tomato


  • 10 Agrinemus organic Lupin balls
  • 1 Ripe tomato
  • 1 Apple
  • Organic vegan mayo
  • Yogurt sauce
  • Parsley or coriander


  • Take the Agrinemus organic Lupin balls out of the freezer and put them in a frying pan with a drizzle of high-quality vegetable oil or olive oil. Fry at 160ºC (320º F). You may also place it in the oven set to 180º C (356º F). Remember to cover with parchment paper, so it doesn’t burn.
  • When frying, set the heat to medium to prevent the oil from burning. Let the balls fry until golden. It will take 5 to 10 minutes.
  • When cooking it in the oven, as soon as the balls thaw, remove the parchment paper and let it cook until golden (about 10 min).
  • Slice the tomato and the apple.
  • Place a slice of apple and another of tomato on a plate.
  • Add the yogurt sauce on top.
  • Finely chop the parsley or coriander and sprinkle it on top.
  • It can be served as an appetizer or snack.